Hangul Proverbs
2015 MICA GD MFA Thesis
Hangul Proverbs is a series of appropriated Hangul (Korean) type that showcases an abstract aesthetic of my first language as more than its traditional form- calligraphy.  This illustration fuses conceptual art and creation of visual forms to exercise constraint and conscious constructivism to help one interpret Korean proverbs.
      In 1446, Hangul was created under the rule of King Sejong during the Chosun Dynasty. Hangul is the Korean alphabet that was developed for Koreans to have a unified language that all could learn and use. The strokes of each letter are arranged horizontally and read from left to right, much like other East Asian scripts. Hangul is a phonetic language that uses the combination of vowels and consonants. Having been born in Korea, the first written alphabet I learned was Hangul. The Korean language has been an important piece of my heritage and I have used Hangul Proverbs as a way to illustrate a part of my life through design and illustration.
      Proverbs are an integral part of all cultures, especially in the East. They are passed down through generations to teach lessons about all aspects of life. Proverbs may seem unfamiliar when heard in a different language, but at the core, they all hold similar messages. I grew up hearing different proverbs from elders around me. In my youth, they just seemed like weird stories, but as I grew older they became more clear and I started to realize the invaluable message behind proverbs. Proverbial stories are what comprise of the content and focus of my design. These proverbs reflect the different aspects of my design journey.
      Posters are a great method to showcase design work. It is easy for the audience to process concepts when it is a literal image on paper. It is a presentation form that all people are familiar with and can easily identify its function.I chose to create posters for my thesis because it allows viewers to visually understand concepts I was illustrating in a two dimensional manner. The third dimension to my posters was the invisible dimension- the audiences interpretation and understanding of Hangul Proverbs.
      And there you have it, the final product of Hangul Proverbs. A huge thanks and appreciation to Ellen Lupton & Jennifer Cole Phillips for supporting my ideas and vision. Their guidance and feedback, along with guest advisors:  Abbot Miller, Andrew Losowsky, and David Barringer, helped me actualize this into being. I would be remiss if I didn't also give a shout out to my classmates for always being there for each other.